Jetsetting with Jerseys

If you had told me five years ago that I would be part of a die-hard youth hockey community, trekking across state lines for the love of the game, I would've laughed. My son's journey from novice skater to a travel hockey player has been an adventure, to say the least. And like any adventure, it's come with its own set of challenges. Here's what I wish I knew before he joined a travel hockey team.

The Early Riser Gets the Puck

Let's face it, the day will come when your alarm clock will chime at 4:00 AM and you'll wonder, "What have I signed up for?" Yes, early mornings are a given in this sport. Keep coffee at the ready and adjust your sleep schedule accordingly.

Bags Packed, Where to Next?

Traveling for games can take you to some interesting places, some of which you might never have visited otherwise. Whether it's a small town with a single ice rink or a bustling city with a youth hockey tournament that draws teams from multiple states, each destination offers a new experience. Make sure to pack accordingly, as the weather can be as unpredictable as a ricocheting puck.

The Real Cost of the Game

Membership fees, equipment, travel expenses—youth hockey is not for the faint of heart, or wallet. Budgeting is crucial. Many parents opt for second-hand gear during the initial years, which can be a great way to save. However, some things, like skates and helmets, should be bought new for safety and fit. Always prioritize quality when it comes to protective gear.

Team Spirit or Team Drama?

Just like any group activity, youth travel hockey can come with its own share of interpersonal dynamics. Between parents, coaches, and the players themselves, be prepared for a bit of drama. Always remember, the focus is on the kids and their growth, both as athletes and individuals. Leave the theatrics for the soap operas.

The Emotional Rollercoaster

Win or lose, every game is an emotional investment. You'll find yourself living and breathing each goal, penalty, and timeout. And while it's easy to get caught up in the competition, the true value lies in the life lessons your child learns: teamwork, discipline, and the joy of pursuing a passion.

As I look back on the whirlwind journey so far, I wouldn't trade these experiences for anything. Yes, it's been demanding. Yes, it's been exhausting. But the joy in my son's eyes each time he steps onto that ice? That's priceless.

So, to all the parents considering the leap into travel hockey: buckle up. It's a ride like no other, but one well worth taking.